Buck 0110 110 Folding Hunter Green Bone Nickel Silver Mirror Polished Knife 2008 SN#65 Lot#110-221

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  • Regular price $249.95

Buck Knife

110 Green Bone Folding Hunter

This one has really pretty handles

Nickel Silver Frame

Mirror Blade

Closed length 4 7/8"

Blade length 3 3/4"

Made in the USA in 2008

Made for Ozark Cutlery Supply

This one is serialized 65/125 on the knife and 65/250 on the certificate

I am going to explain:

Originally 250 Green bones were ordered with polished blades.  The first 125 made Buck accidentally put satin finish on them instead of the polished.  

For the second 125 knives made Buck corrected the problem and polished the blades. However, the started the serial numbers over and they were serialized XX/125

The certificates were made still thinking 250 were to be made with the mirror finished blades-this is why the discrepancy in numbers